Registration is open for winter ‘25

Join the League

Need something fun to do with friends this Winter? Get a team together and join the NBPT Bocce League at Newburyport Brewing Co! League games are played Sunday Afternoons between 12 – 6pm (February through April). Cash prizes, gift cards, and bragging rights to the first place and runner-up teams!

How much does it cost to join the league?

Each team must pay $40 per season. 

When are the league seasons?

The Winter Season runs from February 2nd through April 6th. Additional seasons may occur throughout the year, depending on interest.

When does league play occur?

Teams play once a week, every Sunday between 12pm – 6pm.

How long does a game of bocce last?

Each game is about one hour long.

How do playoffs and finals work?

At the end of each season, the top ranked teams get to participate in a single elimination tournament.

First and Second place winners receive cash prizes, brewery gift cards, and bragging rights!

How are teams ranked?

Team rankings are determined by regular season record.

What are the prizes?

Prizes vary from season to season. Cash prizes are determined based on number of teams participating. Championship teams will have their team name enshrined on a banner which will be displayed above the court.

What happens if a team cannot make a game?

If you know in advance that your team will not be able to make a game, you are free to reschedule the game for another date. If the opposing team is not able to reschedule, or if you do not show up to a game and have not made arrangements to reschedule, you will receive a Default. Any team with more than 2 Defaults cannot move on to the Playoffs.

How many people do I need to form a team?

Teams must have a minimum of 2 players on the court during each game. If a team does not meet this minimum, the game cannot be played and the team will receive a Default. If a team knows in advance that they will not have enough players at a specific game, they are allowed to bring in non-League Member substitute players.

Can my team include minors (under 21+)?

Yes, if other members of the team are at least 21 years of age.

WHat If I want to play bocce but don’t want to join A league?

Tap room customers are free to play bocce during regular taproom hours, unless league games or private events are scheduled.

How to Play Bocce

House Rules

How to play

Toss the Pallino to the other end of the court. Each team takes alternating turns rolling their balls at it.

After all balls are rolled, tally up your points. Closest team gets 1 point for each ball closer than opponent’s.

Score 16 points, win the frame. 3 frames = 1 match.

“Kiss it” for 2 points

A “baci” (or “Kiss”) is when a ball is touching the Pallino at the end of the frame. This is worth 2 points.

Object of the game

Get your balls closer to the Pallino (the small ball) than your opponent.